The 8 Different Types of Intelligence - Podcast In this episode and post, I share some ideas on the different types of intelligence, and how we probably shouldn't over-index on simply academic intelligence.
Hire Slowly - 10 reasons why rushing is a mistake I read some LinkedIn posts recently stating that the best way to hire people when your company is growing is to “Hire Fast, Fire Fast”. I don’t agree. I believe it’s bettet to hire slowly – and I’ll explain why. Plenty of people jumped into the comments supporting
The Remote Interview - 15 Tips to make it effective In this post I’m going to share 15 tips for conducting an amazing remote interview. The following tips are for managers who want to conduct an amazing remote interview, keep the bar high and put the candidate at the heart of the process. Read on or watch the video.
Hiring over qualified people - 3 brilliant reasons and some challenges too If you’re hiring – hire people who are overqualified for the role you have available. In fact, look at the problem you need solving by a new hire (if there is no problem, why are you hiring?) and think about where that role will be in 6 months to a
Culture versus Salary - a brilliant way to beat market rates Culture versus Salary – We don’t all have the chance to “take money off the table” when hiring, meaning to offer a high salary, above market rates. So, we must get creative and communicate another reason why people join a team – culture. Taking cash off the table is done for
10 Behaviours of Effective Employees I am so excited to share with you the 10 behaviours of effective employees (at least as I’ve discovered). Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people. - Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur and Business Owner Every manager dreams of having
Managing remote employees - 10 superb ideas Managing remote employees is becoming commonplace for many managers, especially after the last few years. I’ve been managing remote employees for years after we embraced remote work nearly a decade ago. After all, we could either hire the best people within communiting distance to the office, or hire the