Personal Knowledge Management - Joplin, Zotero and cheap notebooks In this post I am going to share my own personal knowledge management system through the lens of my own learning model; capture, curate, crunch and contribute.
Analogue Personal Knowledge - 6 inspiring reasons to use one I talk a lot about personal knowledge management systems and here’s a new video explaining my new analogue approach. Going (mostly) analogue allows me to avoid digital distractions as well as slow down the pace. Slowing down means digesting material more thoroughly, and putting it into action – which is
Two learning approaches - powerful ways to learn and build knowledge Learning is at the heart of Cultivated Management – and in this post and video, I will introduce my two main learning styles, and why one may be better than the other, along with a recap of my Personal Learning Management System. What I share here is super applicable to our
The Power of a Commonplace Book For many years I’ve kept a single notebook in Evernote called “Commonplace”. In that notebook are quotes, ideas, book clippings and more. It’s a great repository of information that I may want to retrieve again in the future. In this post and video, I share why I keep
The power of journaling - journaling for mental clarity Journaling (or journalling) has been a lifeline for me. Journaling helps me work out who I want to become, work through difficult times and deal with emotions I used to let plague me for days. There really is power in journaling. I flitted around for years trying to keep a
Effective training is about changing behaviours If someone attends a training course and they come back and continue to do what they did before, was that money well spent? Was that effective training or effective learning? I’d argue it would be a “No” – that is not effective training. Sure, sometimes we want to make people
Note Taking - How to take better notes and accellerate your career Note taking is an essential skill very few of us get taught, and in business, I see very few people really learning how to take better notes. I’ve found that by taking better notes I’ve felt calmer, more in control of my personal development, remembered more and not