In this Communication Superpower workshop Rob brings his award-winning workshop to your company or conference to delight, inspire and teach your employees.
The attendees will learn how to develop a genuine superpower in the world of work. With effective communication you can achieve clarity and alignment, move people into action, deal with conflict and resolve the 99% of problems that are caused by ineffective communication.
In this workshop Rob shares ideas, advice and lessons on speaking effectively, writing clearly, thinking critically and expressing your creativity through effective communication.
Effective communication requires diversity, critical thinking, truth, authenticity, clarity and purpose. Effective communication also happens to be how to release business agility and build workplaces that enrich the lives of people who work in them.
This workshop is now available online as a self-paced text version.
About The Workshop
We cover:
- The science of communication
- Why DISC is SO helpful
- The basic 11 elements of Cultivated Communication
- Scenario based communication exercises
- Non-verbal communication introduction
- Listening skills
Throughout the session Rob weaves in stories and anecdotes to bring this information to life.
As we start the day with your own DISC profile, you’ll have a richer understanding of where your communication strengths and weaknesses are. It’s a great primer for the day.
Throughout the day we'll master the underlying scientific principles of communication before laddering on top how to apply these to various workplace scenarios such as meetings, presentations, networking and face to face communication.
It’s a fun, vibrant, creative and thought provoking course where information comes alive and attendees will leave understanding how to improve their communication skills.
Attendees get loads of good ideas during the session, plus a workbook, copies of the course material deck and a monster list of resources to go forth and practice.
All we need is a room, a screen, some flipcharts, space to do activities and enthusiastic people wanting to grow themselves, and your business.

Why Communication Skills?
Communication skills unlock business agility - i.e moving smoothly and quickly towards your business results and goals. They are also how you build a culture of respect, clarity, honesty and empathy.
Effective communication skills help you paint a clear direction, move people into action and deal with problems and conflict. It's why we call effective communication behaviours a Super Power in the world of work.
We often say that 99% of problems in business are down to ineffective communication. Get ahead of the problem, and solve the ones you have, by developing effective communication in yourself and your teams.

What others have to say

Scott Summers –
“I knew Rob was a great speaker as I’d seen him present at a number of industry conferences so I had high expectations of the communications workshop. Rob worked with me to understand what we wanted to be delivered and achieved, and then facilitated a jam packed workshop that had something for everyone. Rob’s energy, expertise and amiable presenting style was a big hit with all of us and we left with new skills, insights and practical knowledge.”

“Rob’s Communication Workshop is brilliant. Of all the training I’ve done over my career, it’s the one that’s had the most immediate and positive impact, both on my work and personal life.” Sylvia – attendee
This workshop has won awards, changed people’s lives and is accessible for anyone, no matter your level of knowledge about communication.
You’ll learn how to:
- Hack your own body to change your physiology!
- Literally change a hostile work environment into a friendly one
- Get the right results from emails and other written communication (I give you 10 strategies for better writing)
- Run effective meetings (who wouldn’t want better meetings?)
- Listen better
- Control your non-verbal communication whilst reading other people like a book
- Get people to keep talking with nothing more than a head nod
- Control dominating people in meetings
- Give feedback
- Present like you’ve been doing Keynotes for years
- and much much more!
Throughout the day we start with fundamental science and principles of communication before laddering on how to use this science in work.
We use various teaching methods from a small amount of lecture to plenty of activity based learning, as well as reflection points too.
It's certainly a fun, interactive and intense day. We tailor the workshop for your needs and ensure we find the right pace for the people in the room.
Don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like this award-winning workshop for your team.
Workshop Content
Introduction To Communication
A gentle introduction to general communication ideas.
Why Communication Skills Are Important
A look at what employers look for and why communication skills are so important.
Models of Communication
A walk through of common models of communication and why models are useful, but all are wrong.
Communication is something the listener does
Interactive session that explains the concept that communication is something the listener does – i.e it happens in their minds.
Feedback when communicating
Why feedback is so important when communicating.
The 4 categories of noise and how these may affect the message.
All communication has a Purpose, it has an Audience and it has a Context. Have to get the right message.
Non-Verbal – A SUPER-POWER
A walk through of some of the core non-verbal “tells”, what to read non-verbal communication will give you super-hero powers. Please use these super power skills for good. Please.
Written Communication
Write like you speak. Plus 10 tips for improving your writing. A real super power in the modern business world.
In this section we’ll look at running effective meetings with some meeting rules and how to handle tricky meeting members. Non-verbal heavy.
A look at how to network effectively when representing yourself or your company at an event, conference or networking meeting.
A look at presentations and how to deliver a good one. Great for those speaking at events, giving team presentations or company wide presentations.
In this section we’ll approach the tricky challenge of giving somebody feedback, both positive and negative feedback.
In this section we’ll cover the classic interview from both the interviewee and interviewer perspective. Loads of hints and tips to make interviews go better and read body language.
Active Listening
Listening shows the other person that you care. Listening also stops a lot of mis-communication.
Confidence and Self-Image
Communication is a reflection of self and having a strong self image will help you with your communication. Some tips and advice for improving self-image.
NOTE: I don’t always have time to do all sections, but we tailor the day for the maximum benefit of the attendees. We always make sure we leave time for answering any questions you have.
To book or find out more don’t hesitate to email.