Communication Skills - Workshop Support Page

Thank you for taking part in the communication workshop.

I hope you enjoyed the session and have lots of tips and tricks to take away.

Here are some of the resources mentioned, plus some others that may be helpful.

For the DISC cheat sheet please go here.

There are more books available on my reading list.

The communication plan for managers is here –

First Impressions

Articles on Communication


Binaural Beats, meditation and mind


Want to find happiness and meaning in life? Try these three things:

  1. DISC profile – – Hat tip”>@Toby James on this free DISC profile!!!
  2. Strengths Finder –

Tools and Apps

  1. Hemingway App
  2. Workflowy
  3. Mindmup (Mind Mapping Software)
  4. XMind (Mind Mapping Software
  5. Binaural Beats App – iPhone (I use this one)
  6. Binaural Beats Therapy – Android (never used this, but a friend uses it)

Try these over the next few weeks

  1. Observe the eye colour of someone you are talking to
  2. Look out for times when someone’s body language does not match what they are saying – what did you spot? What non-verbal clues did you see
  3. Try the 3 head nods – can you get someone to keep talking whilst you head nod – how long can you achieve?
  4. Try a super-hero pose next time you have a big meeting, call or talk

Using the Trinity (If this was part of the tutorial day)

Here are some ways in which to use the Trinity:

  1. Create your own unique career dashboard made up of DISC, Happiness (choose VIA Survey of Character Strengths) and Strengths
  2. Print the career dashboard and share it with others on a common wall in the office
  3. Whenever there is a disagreement or communication challenge – consult DISC and see if there are patterns causing the challenge
  4. Managers could use the Strengths Finder to strengths
  5. Are there any obvious weaknesses keeping you, or your direct, back from achieving success?
  6. Consider using DISC as a way to build teams, ensuring each team has the right make-up of people for the team’s purpose
  7. Weave DISC and Strengths in to Job Descriptions, Recruitment and Management
  8. Consider monthly “tories of being aware of other people’s DISC
  9. Use DISC in meetings so people know who is in the meeting and their DISC profile
  10. When building teams ensure the team know everyone else DISC profile so they can relate to behaviours and not take some challenges personally
  11. Encourage each person to plot a personal goal setting or growth plan that aligns with their Trinity

Most clients ensure that everyone knows everyone else’s DISC. However, DISC is never an excuse for poor behaviour 🙂

  • One client uses DISC for interviewing
  • Another client uses DISC to align people around goals and objectives (detail oriented goals, people goals etc)
  • Another client uses it to build teams

Thanks again for your attendance and engagement in the session. I’m glad you found it useful.
